Short Term Car Insurance Abroad

When travelling abroad, the best car insurance policy to buy is a short term car insurance. Luckily, many insurance firms are providing short term car insurance policies for drivers who are going abroad. This is regardless of whether you are going on a holiday or you are going to work.

It would be best if you shopped around to get the best short term car insurance abroad. You can compare prices from different short term car insurers. Money Supermarket will help you compare quotes from various insurers. You can compare short term car insurance quotes further using Compare the Market. This way, you are sure to get the best short term car insurance abroad.

European Car Insurance

While in the UK, it is easy to get short term car insurance abroad to help you drive within the EU. Some insurers include some more countries beyond the EU, while others offer the minimum third party cover. That is why you need to shop around to get the best insurance policy.

When applying for temporary car insurance abroad, have an idea of how long you will stay abroad. It is not practical for you to take one-month short term car insurance while you are only going to spend only one week.

Considerations When Driving Abroad

The following are some important points you need to know before you can start driving abroad.

  • Have with you your car insurance and driving license at all times
  • Learn the laws if the country you are visiting before arriving
  • Ensure that you are aware of what you are covered for in your policy
  • Make sure to have a breakdown cover. You may need to take this as a standalone European breakdown policy.

It would be best if you did further research before going abroad. First, check from your policy if you need to inform the insurer when you are going out. In addition, some countries may require you to have a Green card. In such countries like Turkey, you may need to process a Green Card a few days before travelling abroad.

You also need to learn the road signs of the country you are visiting. It would make your driving experience comfortable. You can check out for the signs online. Also, familiarize yourself with the law of that country. Some European countries have different laws. For instance, in France, you must have a high visibility vest to drive.

The other thing to consider is how to calculate the number of days you will be driving the car. For insurance, if you are going abroad for 5 days, you may require 1 day to drive to that country. Also, you will need another 1 day to drive back. In total, you will be driving the car abroad for 7 days. That is an important consideration to make.

European Car Insurance

European car insurance covers all EU countries. Some insurers will include other destinations like Andorra and Switzerland. European cat insurance, in most cases is equivalent to Third Party Only. However, if you can shop around, you can get an insurer offering you the same cover you have at the same amount. You only need to top up a small charge.

European Short Term Car Insurance Providers

When to Buy European Short Term Car Insurance

You need to buy European short term car insurance in the following circumstances.

  • When you want to hire a car to drive abroad
  • When you want to borrow a car to drive abroad


Before driving abroad, make sure to buy short term car insurance. However, make sure you know how long you will be driving while abroad. Also, get to learn the laws and road signs of the country you are visiting. It will make your driving experience abroad comfortable.