When you are trying to determine the best car insurance for students, there are a few factors to take into consideration first. Additionally, determining where the vehicle is kept for the young person driving it will also affect the price quotes you receive. With that being said, we wanted to create this article to help our readers get a better understanding on how they can go about trying to get the best coverage at affordable rates, so let’s get right to it.
When you are trying to determine the best car insurance for students, there are a few factors to take into consideration first. Additionally, determining where the vehicle is kept for the young person driving it will also affect the price quotes you receive. With that being said, we wanted to create this article to help our readers get a better understanding on how they can go about trying to get the best coverage at affordable rates, so let’s get right to it.
UK insurance companies covering students
While there are plenty of insurance companies out on the UK market, not all of them will cover students, or certain teenage groups. In addition, many of them will base their rates on how experienced the student driver is, and how young they are. Furthermore, many will require that the insurance coverage be only for the driver of the car, and often will not cover others who use it should there be an accident.
Remember, the best insurance for students is not always the cheapest car insurance for students especially when it comes to young drivers.
PassPlus advanced driver training
Keeping that thought in mind, when trying to find the best car insurance for students, it is advisable that they have at least taken the PassPlus advanced driver training course. Often times, many insurance companies here in the UK will reduce some of the costs, if the student can show they have gained the proper skills, and experience of driving on the road. That being said, in order to be certain that all aspects are covered, the person seeking the car insurance for their student driver will want to include if at all possible certain additions into their policy.
However, inquiring about having third party, fire, theft (TPFT), accidental damage coverage, and windscreen replacement coverage could indeed cause the overall cost to rise. Therefore, select only certain coverage that is necessary to cover the replacement in the event these occur. In addition, when trying to decide the best car insurance for students, where the vehicle is kept at will also be a major factor in the cost involved. (Check our article about getting a good car insurance quote for more tips about these aspects.)
Parking location
For that reason, the person seeking out the best car insurance for students, will want to mention that the car will be kept in a garage, if it will be. This can help to get the overall monthly payments reduced, as the risk factor of theft will be reduced if the car is kept in a secure location when not driven. The monthly price difference could even be worth renting a garage or other more secure place to park than the public street.
Add to insurance policy of parents?
Another way that parents think it will be beneficial to getting the best price for their insurance policy, would be to add their young driver onto their own policy. Nonetheless, for many reasons, we strongly advise against this approach as it can actually harm the student driver from gaining extra cost reductions at the end of the year for themselves. While there are not specific insurance companies here in the UK that will only deal with student drivers, many of them will, and do offer lower rates the longer the student driver has not had any claims made against their insurance policies. That said, helping the young student driver to build up their own solid driving record will actually be the best approach overall to increasing the savings benefits long term.
Compare many quotes
Finally to locate the best insurance coverage for your student driver, can be to take your time to request quotes from different insurance companies, and compare them for their overall coverage. In addition, while we mentioned some of the coverages that you will want to be certain to have included with your policy, we also highly recommend that you not skimp on the coverage for physical injury liability. Often times, many young drivers who are faced with an auto accident claim, will most likely have physical injuries involved, and without the proper type of coverage they could then be faced covering all the financial obligations out of their own pocket.
When it comes to finding the best car insurance for students, for many people this task can be overwhelming to complete. However, we hope our article here has enlightened some of the types of coverage’s that should be included with the insurance policy. Finally, we encourage our readers to visit us here at insurance6.co.uk, to help you learn how you can get the right amount of coverage to best suit your own specific needs.
Further reading
- Pass Plus at gov.uk