pet insurance


Pet Insurance in the UK

The UK has a pet population of over 20 million. Vet fees are usually high and it makes it difficult for the pet owners to insure them. Pet insurance often covers non routine costs such as broken limbs as a result of an accident, illnesses such as asthma and the cost of advertising and reward …

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Types of Insurance in the UK

The United Kingdom has the largest insurance industry in Europe and fourth largest in the world. Besides, the UK is the leading insurance exporter to other countries. This means that insurance providers in the UK also sell insurances in other countries. The industry is huge. In 2017, the insurance industry paid over 72 billion British …

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dog insurance uk

Dog insurance

Dog insurance? My husband said I was crazy. “Why would you insure a dog?” he said. I replied “Annie is not just a dog she is my best friend, I love her more than you! So why shouldn’t I insure her? It makes sense if she get sick the vet bills are covered.” Not so …

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